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Background: Decompression craniectomy is a surgical method used for immediate reduction of intracranial pressure. Repair of cranial bone defects to protect the brain and reconstruct the original cranial brain compartment is called a cranioplasty.

Methods: In this study researchers will conduct research and compare storage of bone graft in the freezer with a temperature of -20 ° C and subcutaneous to the risk of infection. The research design used was paired clinical trials. Clinical tests were in open label form.

Results: The analysis of significance using the Mann Whitnay test showed that the value of p = 0.381. This means that there is no significant difference between the storage group in the subcutie and the storage group in the Cryopreservation (p > 0.05). The analysis of significance using the McNemar test showed that the p value = 0.003.

Conclusion: This means that there is a significant relationship between the storage group in the subcutie and the storage group in the Cryopreservation (p <0.05).


decompression craniectomy cranioplasty bone graft freezer subcuties

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How to Cite
Maheri Y, Anugrah, O., & Theodorus. (2020). Comparison of Bone Graft Storage Effectiveness Between Cryopreservation and Subcutaneous in Patients Conducted Craniectomy Decompression. Sriwijaya Journal of Surgery, 3(2), 115-122.